The SC-crew counts around 6 nationalities from eclectic backgrounds (some studied, others didn’t, a few changed paths before coming to the communication world). We constantly strive to create a flexible and open workspace. For example, we also enable workations (as far as the legal framework permits), implement flexible working hours which means as long as one meets deadlines and joins the relevant meetings, they can choose their working time flexibly. We also have a variety of part-time models. After all, everyone has individual needs in terms of work, family, and spare time, which we want to help to meet. Our priority is that every team member feels welcomed and included. So when needed we do not hesitate to adapt our internal structures, whether it’s small things like meeting times or big things like our corporate language.
In order for us to be able to really live diversity and inclusion we have regular discussions and trainings. We want the team to not only develop an awareness and sensibility for the topic but also want each one of us to have a critical eye on our way of working and our work. An essential part of this work as a communication agency is advising brands on their communication. Here it is important to raise awareness among our customers, contacts, and partners. Which we do on a daily basis. In addition, we also cover diversity & inclusion in our podcast, blog, and social media content.