Twinkly Launch for B2C tech company

Twinkly is an Italian technology company and market leader in intelligent lighting. The company was founded in 2016 and has already become a global brand in just a few years. Twinkly offers a complete ecosystem of connected LED lights that can be easily controlled via smartphone. Using a special computer vision algorithm, Twinkly recognizes the exact position of each light in the room, which makes it possible to adjust the lights and create extraordinary lighting effects.

We entered the German market with a Christmas campaign and were able to place Twinkly in the relevant B2C tech and general interest media within just 4 months. To make this work, we came up with creative press seedings to attract the attention of journalists.

What they got

  • Public Relations


Speed campaign

for the launch in Germany

112 articles

in 4 months

Top Tier Media

Computerbild, CHIP, Jolie

Short-term publications in the top B2C tech and lifestyle media
Support for the launch in Germany
Development of a speed Christmas campaign

  • Development of a "Swipe-to-Sparkle" press seeding with creative boxes to selected journalists
  • Campaign for the new Twinkly Candies and the Twinkly Launchwall

Computer BILD



