Hellstern medical Launch campaign & investor relations for MedTech startup

With the world's first exoskeleton for surgeons, two founders are making operations safer and thus helping both surgeons and patients. The team's big vision is to save lives. Approximately 16 million operations are performed in Germany every year - during these hours-long operations, however, the surgeons remain in unnatural and unhealthy forced postures. With each operation, the surgeons' muscles become more tired, and the risk of treatment errors with negative consequences for patients increases. Leading an entire industry into a new era and saving lives in the process: That is the vision of Sabrina Hellstern and Claudia Sodha. They have brought the first sensor-controlled exoskeleton for surgeons, noac, to market - in record time. Developing a sensor-controlled hardware product in only 15 months is unique in all of Europe. noac by Hellstern medical is produced in Germany, is patented and certified as a medical device.
We accompany the launch communication of Hellstern medical and take over the strategic placement in the daily and business press to support Hellstern medical's investor relations. The founders have an exciting journey behind them and have taken on a lot to launch noac on the market. Of course, this story has to be told!
51 articles
in 4 month
Placements in Top Tier Media
Handelsblatt, SWR, Süddeutsche
Launch campaign in Special Interest Media
medizin & technik, medtech, MTD
Gründerszene Podcast