ChargeX Brand awareness for e-mobility start-up

ChargeX develops and produces the multiple socket for electric cars. It enables many vehicles to be charged with just one mains connection. The grid-friendly system can be expanded to up to 10 charging points via Plug&Play and distributes the energy to the vehicles to be charged as required. With its charging solution, ChargeX aims to charge electric cars when they are not needed, at home and at work.
We set out to take ChargeX's brand awareness to a new level. We started with the product launch of the new AqueductNEO charging system, which we presented at the IAA with a journalist event. In addition, we conducted a study on German electric car drivers with a market research institute to generate exclusive figures on the core topics of ChargeX.
Journalist event around the IAA
rund um den Launch des neuen Ladesystems
103 articles
in 6 months
WELT am Sonntag, Manager Magazin, München TV, ntv